Farewell my Friend

Fuck the hater who knows on what he did wrong

He should know his sinsand thus I know mine...

Thee has been erased from they heart and soul

Farewell my friend,its been good while its lasted

Our Differences have always kept us apart as fate decided

But you're as fake as Can be

When you even look at me

I stare into your eyes and see thee

I don't even want to look at you or even smell you're foul scent.

Not even till you're mind can get bent,

It's like an air conditioning vent

Empty as can be

No heart or Joy like a Humble and joyous Honey Bee.

I won't apoligized for the way I acted

Though it stung like acid.

You gave the impression of Lying through you're Expression.

What a horrible mission.

Farewell my friend though I completley know I'll never likely want to see you agian...
♠ ♠ ♠
For Daniel.