Forever Times 7.3

Oh the things I do for you,
so I can call you my baby and you call me your boo.
I sing Sonny and Cher with you,
and I got laughed at for you.
You tell stories about crayons dieing,
and you show me how much you love biting.
My heart cant take it when you cry,
because I love you so much and why?
Because of your snort,
the way you cant have one long sock and one short.
The way you hair looks great up or down,
and how when your hyper you run all around.
But baby most of all I love the fact that you love me,
and of course i love you back for you hold a key.
It belongs to my heart and i've given it to you forever,
because i believe we will stay together.
Forever times 7.3,
baby im in love with you so just be in love with me.