
I carry these feelings,
they are too heavy for me to hold,
i want to let them go,
i want to scream to the world,
i wish that it was that easy,
but this would cause to much pain,
i know it would hurt you,
and thats the last thing i want to do.
The only problem is i need to say something,
i have to soon,
i promised myself i'd try,
but how?
How do i say what i feel?
Words aren't strong enough ro express my true feelings,
i wish there was something i could do,
something to show you how i see you,
to show you how gorgeous you are,
your smile lights up my days,
I am lost in your eyes ,
the deep blue pools of kindness.
I want to unload these feelings,
show you everything i feel,
everything i think,
I want you ro see me,
the way i see you,
my feelings my boy,
I love you <3
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeeeeesh that was a hard to write, like i say words just don't express how i feel about this guy, and believe me i can't tell him, and i wish i could because i really do love him with all my heart <3 :'(