I feel so broken, so empty. Every time I'm near him he makes me all depressed. He mentally and verbally abuses me with his words. Putting words in my mouth i have never even said. He makes me feel like i don't have a point to be on this earth. but then i look back and sit sayin to myself..."i know i can do something better with my life for he will not do this to me...." I feel so broken and abused when he calls me words that hurt. that saying stick and stones may break your bones but words can never hurt you is untrue! "wait" i say to myself "he is nothing to me!" i whisper to myself while he yells at me " don't cry he isn't worth it" but yet i still cry. again and again brakening me and no one can never replace these wounds CAN NEVER HEAL!!! whom is this person you ask for it is not a boy it is an acholic step-father.