imPROMPTu Week 9: Addiction



Psychological dependence

However you say it through your mouth, the way the syllables piece together, it all leads to one word… Addiction. And I’m addicted to you. With the way you walk, and with the way you talk. The way you smile and your cheeks dimple up.
I’m crouching here in my shower, letting cold water fall over my naked body, and all I can see is your face. You’re all I think about. 24/7. I wish I could make it stop. But I can’t and I pray each and every day, hoping that it will get easier not being able to be near you.
I don’t want to ever stop thinking about you, but is there a limit? Not for me there isn’t. The glass maybe look like it’s overflowing, but I need to add that extra drop of liquid, squeeze out all the excess.
I’m addicted to you.
End of.

… Help me please. I want to go cold turkey, but I can’t when you are around me all the time. Help me get you out of my head, my body and my soul. Are we really meant to be together or is the feelings only one sided? My addiction is out of control, and I think I’m past the stage of getting help from anybody but you. Addiction is a painful and slow deterioration. That’s what’s happening to me and my body. Because my addiction is you.

End of.