imPROMPTu Week 14: Erase

I wish I could erase what had happened between us
The hurt and sorrow
The pain we caused each other
The regret of saying something we know we shouldn’t have said
The lies
The anger between us both
The cheating
We both know it was wrong
I want to erase those memories
The bad ones I mean
Not the good ones that keep me going each day
And I wish I could erase those words

I never want to see you again

They were a mistake I wish I can take back
Now everyday will be a hard road to take
But you should always know
That there is something still there, deep down inside of me
Quitting is out of the question
Don’t give up on us
We’ve got to fight for this love
Let’s not erase everything
Because I know that is not what you want
Deep down, you’re still hurting
Just like I’m hurting
We feel each other’s pain because we’re more connected than you think
Don’t give up on us
We know we have to fight
I want to say
Erase the past
Erase all the bad memories
Because otherwise they’ll hang over us
Like a black thunder cloud in a clear blue sky
But when I’m with you
Everything seems so much clearer
Put the past behind us
Erase it now
Clean slate from now on
Because you know I still love you

I always will