imPROMPTu Week 14: Trauma

White walls
White chairs
White beds with white sheets and pillows
White gown that covers your body
You look like you are sleeping
Yet I know you won’t wake up this time
It’s going to take a miracle for you just to open your eyes

We never saw it coming
The car that is
We were walking, hand in hand down that street
Like we always did every day for the past 3 years I have known you
You were my best friend
And I lost you
All because of me
It was my fault you are not here today

I still hear your screams running through my head
I tried to wash them away
But it didn’t work
I still see the vivid crimson of your blood on my skin
I can still hear the harshness of your breath as you tried to breathe
I held you for as long as I could
Before I black out because of the pain
I wish I hadn’t done that
Because it was the last time I ever saw you

I awaken to hear machines beeping and people murmuring
And see the drips running into my arms
But none of that mattered to me
Because you were the first thought that crossed my mind
I screamed for you
Called your name
Ignored the burning, searing pain that ran through my body
I just wanted to hold you my friend
But when they told me the news
I died with you
Because I knew I’d never see you again

I still need you today
I think about you
It sometimes hurts too much that I have to stop thinking
But sometimes it’s just too hard
I know you still rest in peace my friend
And one day we shall be reunited
And we shall be together forever just like we promised