Ripped Rag Doll Heart

Through all the tears and all the lies,
You pretty much made a disguise to hide,
It started from the beginning all the way to the end,
You pretty much controlled my life and made it bend.

In crazy directions and knots and twist.
So some how you can make all of your problems fit.
My hearts cracked, my backs broken,
And yet you still aren’t certain!
If I am the one you want to break,
And whos heart you want to unmake.

Pretty much I am a doll,
You pull the right strings and undo knots and I begin to fall.
On the ground and all over the floor,
And my body is completely unable to restore.

This whole situation is a nightmare,
And it’s going nowhere.
And now you’ve lost all interest and just go up and leave,
Tears run down my face, and my heart begins to grieve,
Because it believes that is all the love it will ever receive.