Where it hides beneath the mind

sitting deep in darkness
where the silence is suforcating
No where that you can escape to
no where to run

This cage is was made by you
it was crafted by the finest masks
the hardest part is forging the key

Its the claustiphobia
the knowing that theyd be better off without you
the rejection splitting your mind
the gut wrentching want for freedom
the sighing pleasure of splitting skin

The pressure of one feeling
building.. Just building
it gets to hard to resist
the blood..
it calms you
it finds you
destracts you

Like nothing is wrong
like its simplistic
easy to reconise
mistaken for a sin
the impression is deppresing
something that never sleeps

It rests beyond repair
beyond where people see it
just out of reach
where you forget about it

until it creeps back
just so agonisingly slowly
Brewing harder than before.
♠ ♠ ♠
Any feedback is brilliant please dont leave hate comments.