Hello Disaster, It's Me Again

Hello disaster, it's me again
Why can't anybody see the pain I'm in
I toss and turn but it only get's worse
I'm too afraid to say it hurts

Hello disaster, it's so nice to see your face
I only hope you can get me out of this place
Everything is dark; there is no sun
Sometimes I talk to the wall just for fun

Hello disaster, I think I'm going crazy
Maybe you'll help me; Maybe, just maybe
My stomach aches; there is no food
These people take me for a fool

Hello disaster, you look so nice
Is this the second time you've came around?; Only twice?
You remind me of what we once had
Why the look? Don't look so sad

Hello disaster, it may be time to go
I'm holding on just for show
Grim Reaper is here; What a sight to see!
I feel the darkness creep up on me

Bye bye disaster, it was nice while it lasted
I'll miss you even more; God darn it, god blasted
Grim Reaper is being very persistent
He's really looking forward with me as his assistant

So long disaster, I wish you the best
Please don't get caught up in my mess