Look In The Mirror And Think Of Me

I met you when you were one of a million
And left you being a one of a kind
I felt a vibe within you
That called out for surface
I never thought to doubt you
There was just something about you
Even when you seemed so different
Something that I loved.

Did I tame the beast within you?
Oh, hell no no...
I brought it out to see the world
And put it on display
You just let me bring out the real you
And let you see who you really wanted to be
Then without me behind you
You set out to take your own baby steps
As your own person.

At first, your steps were in my direction
And I had no complaints.
I loved the new you
I saw it in you all along.
I wanted to try you out
It was what I yearned for all along
Someone just so seemingly perfect for me--
Doesn't everyone want a prince charming who can play guitar?

But then you changed your route
Seeing if the transformation worked on other targets
And found new interest in new faces
And turned your back on me.
You shut me out entirely
Romantically and mentally
But you'll be lying to yourself, babe,
If you can say you're unattatched emotionally.

Look into the mirror.
Do you like what you see?
That true person you've always wanted to be?
Yea, honey...
That was cuz of me.

I made you who you are today
I helped you find yourself
There's so much of me in you
It's hardly even funny.
I showed you who you really are
And it's clear for all to see in black and white and green eyes.
Look into the mirror, babe
Look in the mirror and think of me.