
Whats a promise anyway
A kiss on your cold cheek
The warmth of love does not exist
As your soul looms about mysteriously
I know you’re watching over me
Your words in my mind, your face in my dreams
Inevitable grief takes over
The words “I’ll be back” mean nothing anymore

The view of the hearse and the flowers is clear
And the chapel in the distance is getting near
The old limousine keeps a steady pace
And never again will I see your face
The coffin you lay in for your eternal rest
Is closed to never be opened again
And I just cant grasp how you’re gone and alone
But next to your corpse lie the things you loved so
And though you’re already gone I still cant let you go
♠ ♠ ♠
yeah..i wrote this a while back about my grandma..so i figured i'd post it..idk..