What Lurks Beneath the Surface

On the surface, I am smiling,
A happy, trustworthy friend.
We throw harmless insults
It’s just another day

But underneath, a monstrosity fights to break free,
It twists and churns and struggles
Until finally its chains break.
An abomination is unleashed.

My blood boils, my heart turns to ice,
My eyes mist to red, my hands clench tight
Now I struggle, I block out the world, just me and my emotions

On the surface, I go blank
I stare into the distance, my hands still clenched,
I hear your voice.

Beneath the surface, I roar,
I forget about safety, about friendship,
about everything else.
I stand tall, intimidating as can be,

The surface is forgotten.

With a careless recklessness, I launch
Sheer hatred driving me on.
Slippery, he escapes.

I hesitate, thought returns,
The venom pumping through my veins subsides.
I shudder, look at my friend, look at myself, and want to cry…