
I can see you,
When no one else can.

You are there,
I am aware.

Am I the only one around,
That can see you?

I don't think so,
because she can feel you.

I see you,
but she feels you.

but not really.

She's unique,
In her own way.

It may seem weird,
To many others.

But that's because,
They don't believe.

What they,
Can't see.

What they,
Can't feel.

You may think,
There in heaven.

They no,
Longer exsist.

Just because,
You can't see or feel them.

Doesn't mean,
They aren't there.

Do not fear,
for they shall not hurt you.

Open that door,
Let them in.

But if you open one,
You must open them all.

Don't be afraid,
Most won't hurt you.

If someone you know,
Follows you while their in a different relam.

It doesn't mean,
They're back to haunt.

They may just be,
Checking up on you.

To make sure,
Your doing well.

~Yes, I can see. If you don't know what I'm talking about, then your just a tad slow in the head. I've been able to see my hole life.. I can also semi hear.. But Not when they aren't near. I'm not that well, but I'm getting there. I need to find the courage to open all doors, and not just one. Any advise.. Tell me. If you can see, feel (like Nicole) or even hear.. Or just curious about it.. Ask. :) I'd be glad to find others like myself. Don't believe me?.. Well then.. That's your belief and your religion. Not mine, so don't diss it. Gotta porblem, keep it to yourself. Alright?~