Dear Agony

Dear Agony
I beg my forgiveness
I can't escape my fate
Of misery and hate

I see a black haze
That surrounds my days
Of misshapen disbelief
Everything conceited underneath

That hole in my heart
Keeps falling apart
With every sacrifice I make
Someone else comes and takes

It tears me up inside
That all the scars I hide
Are masks I hide behind
Where life and death coincide

The wounds I sealed
Were forced against my will
Imprinted into my mind
Where everything was left behind

I needed one more moment
Yet all of it was stolen
When I closed my eyes
There were no more goodbyes

I shudder to think
That we were on the brink
Of everything taken away
And yet sadly, it decayed

So Dear Agony
Please keep me at bay
from the heartless things people say
I beg my forgiveness.