An Absurd Ode To Politicians

Why do you think the way you think?
Don't you agree, you should see a shrink?
You say you see black when I Show you white,
You know you cannot possibly be alright

When I tell you to see the face value,
You insist on giving me the place value.
You shout 'bad' when I tell you it's good.
You look a gift horse in the mouth.

When I cut a limb, you say it's a bruise,
You scratch yourself and it's national news.
You make a mistake and it's imperfect perfection,
I do wrong because of my perfect imperfection.

I say 'maybe', you hear 'yes'.
That, I think is what you do best.
You cause a disaster, but swear it isn't your mistake,
You're a hypocrite..A fake, a fake, A FAKE!