
My, oh my...
What will you do?
What will you do when the people you loved,
Don't love you?
You remember their expressions,
How they always spoke of their confessions.
You remember the way they'd take their stances,
And you always believed they were people who should be given chances.
Now looking back it's fragments,
Pieces of meaningless sentiments.
You wonder how they could have held that facade for so long.
How they made you believe that they'd never be gone.
Now you sit and spin a web of thought,
How could their souls be so easily bought?
They're hanging out with the same people who disowned you,
It's their friends facades they can't seem to see through.
Unable to realize they're chilling with a deserting crew
Friends who will do you the same as you did me
Leaving me high and dry with no air to breathe.
Oh, have I got my opinions about you!
Your witty Myspace status quo
Make you feel like you're the ringleader of the show.
But when people see your face next to them
They see something different
A wish washy individual who can't make a commitment.
One day you'll be sitting here like I am,
Watching the hour glass's sand.