We Could Have Been

We fell fast in love
Only one week knowing each other
Did we decide that
We had burning flames inside our chests
Where our hearts should be

Days on facebook went away
My time was dedicated to you
Every waking hour
I was either with you
Or talking to you in some sort of way

The moment our lips touched
I wanted to never let go
I wanted to have and keep you forever
In my arms
On my lips

Then one night
It almost got to far
My instincts wanted to let you get a hold of me
My heart told me to go for it
But my mind was saying a different thing

I told myself to let it go
To let him have me
But I just couldn't let him
At the last moment
When he about to rip open the packet he had been waiting forever to open

I left
I couldn't do it
I told him no
I knew I wasn't ready
He didn't understand

It was then
I was putting my shirt back on while he rampaged over to me
The palm of his hand touched my cheek
But it was not soft
It was on there a second and then off leaving me with a bruise

I left suddenly
Not believing what had just happened
How we could be in middle softly moving our lips together
Then almost having a naked wrestling match
To abusing me

I saw him the next day
He had flowers, chocolate and my favorite blueberry flavored water
I smacked down the flowers and chocolate and took the water out of his hands
Opened it
Told him that this was the last time i would ever talk to him and poured all the water onto his head

My friends had perfect timing because
Then they showed up all ready to go to the mall
I said okay
But deep inside I wanted to die
I thought I could never live with out my guy

I cried that night
I cried the next night
And many nights after that
And many nights after the bruise healed too
I wanted him thinking that he would never hurt me again

We could have been everything
We could have been amazing together
We could have been my schools "Best Couple"
We could have been together forever
He could have been my only one

What am I saying?
I would never want that bastard back
He hurt me!
He Abused me!

And Ladies and gentlemen
If you are being abused go tell someone
Make it stop
Don't cry like me
Go Stop it!
♠ ♠ ♠
I made this for people who have been abused. I personally have never been abused. I don't want to. If you are being abused, tell someone