The Easier Way Out

Eternal night has descended upon me

the sun has set on my destiny

The shadows refuse to fade away

my life is all bleak and grey

Frustrated, exhausted, unaccepted

my eyes have so many tears bled

'Things will be better one day, don't lose hope'

they said that i must learn to cope

I tried but was destined to fall

and now even 'they' wont answer my call.

I tried to do, i tried to be

but everything went against me.

I wanted to stand up, was pushed back

told what was needed, i lacked that
Unwanted, misused, used , abused
whatever hope ignited me was quickly doused.

Tired and exhausted , i wish to give up,

wish to come out of this muck.

Wanted i am not, needed i wasn't ever,

So i go to place where everyone is dear.

I am here today, wont be tomorrow,

so i wont be a cause of any more sorrow