I dated a loser

He was alone in the crowded room,
shoved and bumped on the same place till noon,
He didn't mind anything, but his clean books.
I noticed him alot, I pitied him till he was gone,
And again I was surprised, when I saw him smile,
He had these geeky braces, and those geeky looks
I found him really funny, just until he noticed me.

and I did the rarest thing in the world,
any girl would do in this period,
with all the wacky generations.
and crazy explanations

I dated a loser,
And people just laughed,
my friends asked me 'girl what did you do now?'
I found it mysterious, he was amazing,
when did all those thoughts go crazy?

He was so happy, It was unexpected,
I walked with him gladly,
with eyes just insulting
But I didn't mind we were happy,
I always felt fine, I didn't feel crazy

I always knew that these things were funny,
just like a chick flick, my world was out running,
and it all just happened,
When I dated a loser,

and I thought it was fine,
I found him quite cute, his looks were just fine,
I fixed him up, and told him 'you look cool',
And when he went to school,
People just stopped and stared at him,
and wondered who it was, was it him?
I smiled widely, and as people just wondered,

I dated a loser, and he was fine
he had green eyes, with the nicest smile
I knew he was the best, I could ever be
and I knew it wasn't a mistake, as people saw it.

I dated a loser, and I love him