Why Do I Feel So Distant?

((This poem was on whim so it's probably not the best))

Why do I feel so distant?Your not that far at all.
Your right across the table
But your behind a big glass wall.

I try to break the glass I try to melt the ice.
But I meet your eyes and know
our love flew out the window.

I want to catch that love, I want to bring it back
I'm chasing after it
but I don't have it in my grasp

While I run I see you
turning the other way.

I run back to try and catch you
But your already walking away.

I see you to my left, I see our love fly by.
I chase and try to catch it and now your far from site.

I run to you again
Your farther than I thought
I slam in to that wall,

your distant

I try to call your name, you will not turn around.
I see you and a girl, I do not make a sound
I see you kiss her lips a tear rolls down my face,
I see you hold her hand and then the glass it breaks.

I step over the wall
I do not make a sound
I watch you and your new love as you dance around.

Why do I feel so distant? Your not that far at all?

But you left me
Or I left you? To chase our love...away?

I see you step away your love she disappears.
I see you glance at me my heart it's filled with tears

Your eyes hold on to mine
I hold on to your hands
I want our love again

but your distant

I'm distant

Why do I feel so distant? Your not that far at all?
But time has passed
and now that is the wall.