i really need to work on poem titles.

Do you ever wish that you could
Go back?
Soar through time as it whispers softly
“Your problems are over?”

Become part of the world where
Issues were solved with an
“I’m sorry” and an “Oops”.
If only it were that easy anymore.

How would life be if our
Innocence didn’t fade away,
If it would only linger on just
A little bit longer.

Troubled times would disappear
And vanish as if never there.
Bad dreams turn quickly into
The fantasy you dare to live.

Alas, today’s quarrels need
More than apologies.
They need politically correct-
Realistic, answers that not many can give.

We can only swim in our memories
That we carry on, though they
Fade. Our minds must succumb
To the will of today’s nightmares.

If only it were so easy that we could
Turn back time to when we thought
We’d be princesses and have everything
We could ever dream of.

When a book of fairytales was our Bible.
And all thoughts of reality dissolved
Into the words that gave us so much
Comfort. And we believed them.

Second chances are given so easily.
Why can’t I have this one?
Is it fate that I must be so limited?
Am I supposed to believe that this is destiny?

Do you enjoy mocking me?
Is it funny that all my problems have an ending
In that book of lies and it remains
Out of my reach?