A Year Recieved

A year was lost
But one was given
By a dear one who made
This life worth livin’

Another gift
Yet to give
A hand to hold
A life to give

A year past
Since I’ve known you
365 days
But it seems so few

I’m not exactly
Completely sure why
Even after a year
I still want to cry

Over what was taken
From this young heart
And who knows what
WSas th start

But around you
I love to smile
And be happy and laugh
If only for a while

It’s what you
Have done to me
If only you could
Still see

The way you’ve touched my heart
And given me breath
I swear that
I love you to death

I don’t want
You to know
That I’m afraid
That you’ll go

Or change who you are
Who you were, who I know
Who’s to say I’m strong enough
To let you go?

It’s been a year
Since we first met
And I don’t know why
I’m still not dead…