DarkHeart (Bloodless)

You did this to me
You killed this heart
How does it feel?
Am I your piece of art?
How dare you do this to me?
Yet how dare I fall short
In the end
Who played the worst part?
Did you like it?
Seeing me cry?
Did it feed your lust?
Draining me dry
Are you the martyr?
Or am I?
Do you know how long?
I wanted to die!
At least death
Would be a relief
From your pillaging
You soulless thief
But that just isn’t
My followed belief
‘Though it would end
This Bloodless Dark Heart’s grief
Then again
Would you even care?
After all it was you
Who did dare
To leave it to bleed out
See how it’d fair
And now not one
Could even repair
This bloodless little
Dark heart of mine
Does that make it your job
To build it’s shrine
After you broke it
Bled it dry
You worthless shrewd
Cruel swine
Were you the worst
For telling lie after lie
Or was it me the worst?
For wanting to die
More killing myself after all
I’d rather that than try
To hide from those I love
The tears I’d cry
You did this to me
You drained it dry
You sat and laughed
And watched me cry
You took away your hand
And let me die
And when it was over
You looked cruelly, whispering good-bye
But they care and picked me back up
These two amazing men
They helped me stand
And yet even then
I was Darkhearted, bloodless
So to the two I loved I’d recommend
To let me die
But they wouldn’t let it end
Wouldn’t let me be undone
By your lie of love
Rather pushed me up
And kept trying to shove
Me into things
I couldn’t think of
After all I was rough
So I’ll become one of
The lovely Darkhearted
Instead of my longing
To be dearly departed
Never again can
I be truly light hearted
All because your lie
And the pain you started
You did this to me
You tore out my heart
Laughed and watched
As I fell apart
And I was almost finished
But it was like a start
And now I live
As Rae the Darkheart.