Find Me In Neverland

You won’t find me
In some Atlantic sea
Or a library
I’ll tell you where you’ll find me

In Neverland
Where pirates stand
Where the captain holds my hand
Now do you understand?

Why you won’t see
Very much of me
Unless you’re Hook or Smee
Peter Pan or even Wendy

You’ll find me at the Second Star
Why yes, it is quite far
But it’s where I know you are
And that must be my heart

So I’ll fly away to Neverland
Become a pirate, hold your hand
No one believes us, so no one would understand
So forget Canada, Neverland’s the new plan

I’ll meet you there, our sacred place
I’ll spend my days staring at your face
I don’t care for jewels and lace
But I’ll be a lady, full of grace

I would wait for you there
Because I know you care
When you move a strand of hair
This world is so unfair

That takes love away
But now it’s okay
Because there’s this way
Just to be with you someday

Second star to the right
And straight on ‘til the end of night
And I swear never with you to fight
I’ll forever be by your side

To Neverland let’s fly
To be side by side
It’ll be like I never cried
And we’ll never have to hide

You’ll find me in Neverland.