
I can see the difference
The darkness in your eyes
I know the changes
Like how I see through your lies

I know the caring side is somewhere
Buried deep inside
The side who’d wipe away the tears
Whenever it was I’d cried

There there’s the half
Who would laugh
When I got sick
The hating half

The half you
Love to be
The one who’s
Foreign to me

He doesn’t smile much
Or joke or laugh or be a happy reminder
He’s sneaky and mean and cruel
A black hearted snake, like a sidewinder

But the thing is
I can’t decide who I love most
Sadly, unbelievably
I love both

Your good and evil halves
Because you have my heart
Since that clear April night
Yes, that was the start

That, clear quiet night
When we both did claim
That the two of us
Did feel the same

But then it changed
And I started to think about
What it’d be like to change
My thoughts filled with doubt

Two months later
One afternoon in May
You passed a note
That made me say

Yes to you
I took your hand
Though you were too old
I know no one could understand

And I still don’t get
The way I feel
That four month Fairytale
Still doesn’t seem real

And how now
You aren’t the same
Ever since we ended
You’ve changed the game

Jesus shows more
Not the James I know
And Jesus just so happens
To toss and throw

My brain to confusion
My heart to turmoil
Is his plan
To perfectly foil

The way I feel for you
The love I have
Although this fairytale’s
Gone off its path

Yet your darker half
Claims to love me still
Yet the you I love
Has abandoned the will

To love me the same
As I love you
But you know this
It’s nothing new

Now I sit here
And I write
To tell you
That I still dream every night

Of what could’ve happened
What still might
If only for once
You’d both fight

For something you love
And something you want
And I know someday
This old haunt

Will no longer exist
As if it never had
And after all who’s to say
What age is bad!?

I love you still
And I’ve decided
I don’t care which half
I won’t fight it

I love you both
But James more
I’ll take Jesus though
Because as I said before

I love James
And nothing will change that
So I’m not afraid
To watch you in combat

But please be happy
Live and be free
Smile be James
For me?