My fight

This is my fight, this is my start, my new begining
My freedom starts,

You arent my master anymore, come and fight,
See whats in store

I stand without you. But with another,
I have her, we have eachother.

You were a waste, a total loss, of preciouse time
and to many costs.

I need only the people who need me,
and we love each other,
it's plain to see.

I dont want you, no one does.
I'm done here with you
I've started anew.

So this is my fight,
and im through with you.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this poem angry with my so called 'friend', I'm sure most of you out there know the type. PLEASE COMMENT AND TELL YOUR FRIENDS TO READ IT AND COMMENT TOO! It says it;s PG13...well it isnt innapropriate...just i dont think little kids would understand it