Beautiful Liar

You're just a beautiful liar
The deeper, the higher
Tell me those sweet lies
Never look me in the eyes

You're a wonderful actor
This is our only factor
Those plays of love and lust
I know I wasn't the first

You think I don't know
You think I'm just you little toy
I'm not, I just watch you play
I'll be waiting for your breaking day

You're such a blind boy
Gives smile so coy
Do you not see?
See, the beautiful liar I can be?

I have a secret to tell
I never really fell
I just watched your play
But all plays end some day

Beautiful liar, get ready for the final scene
End it fair and clean
For this play of a love won't end well
For I lied, I never even fell...
♠ ♠ ♠
Random poem I came up with. Like?