You/Me = Never

The silent morning struggle,
A challenge to get outta bed,
And I throw off heavy covers,
Your face runs through my head.
Gives me reason to awaken,
My heart you've taken.

Be gentle with it.....

Every morning I see you,
"Hi",I mumble,
Nearly trip,
You make me stumble.
I feel brave,
I wave,
Your friends pull you away,
They laugh,call me "gay".

If only they knew....

Later that day,
You sat next to me,
Told me that you,
of all people,liked me
My heart jumps,
It skips a beat,
I look down,
Stare at your feet,

Your legs were crossed....

A cruel joke,
A hateful ploy,
Your determined,
To break this boy,

To break me...

I try to sleep,
Into my mind you creep,
An through this twisting and this turning,
Always loving,always yearning,
wanting you so bad,
It makes me depressed,
Chronically sad.
My Impulses repulse,
And it hurts to see,
You will never want me...

Because I'm just me.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is not a personal story, just proving to myself that I can write more than a cheap action story.