
Everyone always expects me to be the best,
And never make mistakes.
But that's not what I want.
I just want to be free.
Free from all the scrutiny
And expectations.
But I'm not.
Everyone wants me to be what I'm not.
They want me to be perfect.
In every way.
But I'm not.
At all.
I'm not smart enough;
Not pretty enough;
Not thin enough;
Not enough for anyone.
Not enough for myself.
I hate the pressure;
And the way everyone watches me;
Just waiting for me to mess up.
And when I do,
They pounce.
They rip me to shreds
And break me apart.
I want to get out,
To leave and never come back.
To hurt myself
And set myself free.
I will never live up to expectations.
I'm always second best.
Never good enough for anything.
I will always be a failure.