
Innocence hides while darkness tries to follow
She is scared, frightened
What did she do to deserve this?
Darkness is coming
What should she do?
Darkness is black and cold
Darkness has a friend named Evil
They work together
They are after her
Innocence is warm and bright
Where should she go?
Darkness and evil go to Innocence’s home
She hides on the side of the house listening,
With great care to their destructive plans
It’s cold, a cold, dark breezy fall day
Why now?
Why ever?
Why her?
Innocence tries to walk to the old abounded shed,
But the rustle of the old, raggedy leaves make it nearly impossible
Darkness is coming
You can almost feel his presence
Who is causing this to happen?
Was it friends, family,
“Oh Innocence, come here. All we want to do is play.”
What lies,
What lies
It’s getting darker, and colder
The wind speeds up and so does Innocence’s breath
Snap of the3 old black shudder on the white, old, desegregated house
“I finally have you!”
Darkness says with his dark tone of voice,
But Innocence was gone
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