We Are: The Broken Kids

We are the abandoned kids
The ones left to die
Now we unite
In the slums of pity
In this god forsaken city
We rise
It's beautiful in a torn-up sort of way
The way they left us
Useless as the rest of the 'rebels'
We sulk in a black pit
We once called 'home'
Our own lives burden us
Our hearts are dark and weary
Pitted like a cherry
Swallowed whole by those of whom
Who broke our hearts
We have no place to go
Deep down in the gutter
The only thing that pleases us
Is the thought of escaping
Escaping from life
Or is it life that is trying to escape from us?
Because of all this self harm we do
It's because of what we go through
Keep trying, keep praying, keep crying
To escape our inevitable fate
Before i dissolve back into the nothing i was before birth and after death
I am broken fix me please
We are broken fix us plese
Or so it seems as life is endless
What and upside down lie of a life
♠ ♠ ♠
Just an ode to those who survived depression and the sorts