Two Words In One Person

Happiness and sorrow,
Two different words.
But in the same world,
Even in the same person.
But do you see it?
Which one do you see?
Maybe you’re happy but,
But you feel no sorrow
Well to tell you the truth,
Its there.
Maybe you’re sad but,
But you feel no happiness.
Well to tell you the truth,
It’s there.
You don’t believe me do you?
Well, I’m right because,
One day you’re happy as ever but,
Deep down inside you
There’s that sorrow feeling.
Maybe you can’t feel it but,
It’s there
Some people can feel it,
Don’t worry you’re not alone.
But it’s there
One day you’re sad as ever but,
Deep down inside you
There’s that blissful feeling
Maybe you can’t feel it but,
It’s there
Some people can feel it,
Don’t worry you’re not alone.
But it’s there
Happiness and sorrow,
Two different words.
But in the same world,
Even in the same person.
You’re not alone
There are other people like you
Just wait and see.