Just Like I Do

You taught me how to whistle
gave me my first airplane ride.
I learned how to suck my thumb
from you, when I was five.

I watched you ride a bike
and I wanted to do it too
and when I was stuck you'd help me out
just like, big brothers do.

I watched how you solved problems
remembered your smile, and conqured your laugh
and when Craig was pickin' on me
you'd help me fight back.

I always envied how-
you and dad were such best friends
cause no matter how hard I tried
I just couldn't get his attention.

It was from you that I learned patience
and how to hide my fears
but only twice had I ever saw you
crying sad tears.

You taught me how to play guitar
the C chord I could not do.
And every week when you got home
was time for just me and you.

I've seen you sad and lonley
I've seen you full of joy
you've seen me pissed and angry
seen me crying over boys.

I note how you're outgoing
and I keep to myself
and the advice you'd always give me,
to never be mean to mom, and always help out.

When I was stuborn and yelled at you
you turned around and yelled at me too.
But when you got that call to go
a piece inside of me that wouldn't show
broke in two.

I was glad you'd found a new life
but sad for leaving me behind
cause I knew I'd be lost without you
and alone from time-to-time.

But just remember I miss you
and, I love you
just like, little sisters do.