That vital organ.

Twisted, shattered, broken, frail.
A note that said I've gone you fail.
A heart, a home, a love unknown.
Left a deep black hole a note that read;
I've gone. Your soul.

Cold whispers, muttered in the side of ones ear.
The words I'd never long to hear.
So deep, so dark, so mystical,
just like inside my pitch black soul.
Uttered into the side of ones ear,
these words I'd never longed strike fear.

Deep inside my dark black hole,
these words I hear create a home.
Nestled in the darkness,
a heart begins to form.
Pumping blood around me,
a soul has been reborn.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just one of those laying in bed, trying to sleep kind of poems. Maybe alright now, will possibly think its rubbish in the morning.