
My pain is absent, strange and fooled. I keep the whispers of them

talking in my pocket, pick up my reds an apply it. At night the fools fly quiet crouched by

the toilet ready and steady out she comes stunning and tight an illusion she tells herself

she’ll be alright. The lights dim, slowly the lies spit out her mouth but opens and tries. She

conveys like a tramp and attacks like a wolf. Her picket out and about she tells herself she’s

alright in the midst of the night her hips thrust and her lips ravage with her pain, in control of

what she wants but never gets, in the dead time she lies awake next to the stranger her

mind set, her heart broken, not there ,cold, never mending ,never fixed. Her tears glisten in

dispute she weakens no other witness to the life she’s about to manipulate no human too

placid, but she stands there she whispers to her self she’ll be alright there’s a solution to

the problem…pace is the trick…her destruction won’t last.
♠ ♠ ♠
-its song inspired.