
Your hair is silky as glistening moon thread,
the snowy flowers woven on top of your head,
your rose pale lips, sparkling sapphire eyes,
your perfect figure packed with lies,

you snatch peoples breath away with one glance,
the way you walk as though in a trance,
your beautiful voice is a peel of bells,
your midnight black secrets filled with hell,

your skin is cream as petals of spring,
you are treasured as a priceless diamond ring,
like the innocent flower, but the serpent under,
you're mystic as lighting but as frighting as thunder,

oh yes don't be fooled by a pretty face,
all done up with make up, frills and lace,
look more closely friend or foe,
see some more of what you should know,

your claw like hands are skeletal, nails are razors,
your sparkling sapphire eyes are in fact like lasers,
full of dread, fear, loss but gut-wrenching evil,
the way your cogs work are cruel and medieval,

you lure them in, with a flash of pearly teeth,
but little do they know what you are underneath,
you play and laugh in exultation, like a child,
your foolish actions are thrilling but wild,

you may be the golden sun in the infinite sky,
the shimmering reflection of the velvet stars so high,
but don't feast your eyes on each prepossessing other,
yes, don't judge a book by its glittering cover.
♠ ♠ ♠
i wrote this one ages ago, so it may not be as well written as my others. XD