See You Dead, Than Be With Another Man

You're the smell of my flowers
You're the minutes that make my hours

You're the glue that holds my puzzle together
You're the person I want to be with forever

You're the reason, In this awful world I stay
You're the divine theme that make up my getaway

You're the melody that performs in my mind
You're the reason why my pain and anger is left behind

You're the air that allows me to breath
You're heart is with mine in a interlocking weave

You're the reason why I sink slower in quicksand
You're the reason I say this, this is where I stand

I rather see you dead, than be with another man....
♠ ♠ ♠
Yea I kinda think it is really creepy.... but for the most part oh so true. Most will say... no way i don't feel this way. But deep down its there, whispering into your ear.