Someone to look up to

I let myself get lost
I was down in the dumps
You moved into my life
You slowly picked me up

Like a true friend you cared
You gave me great advice
You were like a power puff girl
Full of sugar and spice

I offered you a hand
You offered me two
I offered you a verse
You threw in a tune

A friend shows you the town
A true friend shows you the world
I thought you as superwomen
You thought yourselve just a girl

Your a different brand of human
Your a one of a kind
No one can have you
Cause your ALL MINE!
♠ ♠ ♠
This is made for my best friend Courtney. I am not very poetic but I did my best. Courtney and I have gone through alot. So I wanted to write her a poem from the heart. Hey look! I rhymed again!