Love Loss and Lonely Gain.

Im hanging on by a thread,
waiting for you.
I cant hang on much longer.
You know what,
take your knife,
and cut me lose.
You seem to be comfortable with that knife.
You've used it so many times before.
Stop fucking leading me on,
and cut me lose.
I find my old ways,
and get re-introduced,
but you...
you move on after 24,
and put your arms around another whore.
Turn your back ; left to right,
rip up those hearts like there's no tomorrow.
Come back one more time,
to me.
Tell me stupid shit, and use me.
The weird thing is; I dont mind.
Im still in love with you.
♠ ♠ ♠
It is about a break up; and I am still in love with this boy,
after three weeks almost.
I cant let go.
I think he loves me too, but he knows that we'll never work out,
and it's killing me inside.