Green Green Grass

Sometimes i want to cry

half the time i dont know why

the thoughts i have are wild

i crave for the day i was a child

we grow up so quick

its making me sick

i crave crayon days

the green green grass ways

the good times not the bad

the happy times not the sad

days spent saying you had good luck

never knowing words like fuck

were fights were fixed with candy

and girls werent so “handy”

dresses went to your knees

and fathers would answer your pleese

if they smiled they were your friend

now friendship is something you have to mend

familys are broken

hits are a childs token

today will never be yesurdays smile

but i dream just for a while

of that familair green green grass

where id sit on my ass

laughter would fill the air

things would all be fair

today there isnt enough said

to much is in ones head

it makes us feel crazy

but humans have become lazy

to not understand ones life

is like a groom without a wife

sometimes i want to cry

sometimes i do know why