Tall Poppy

You dreamt a dream of the king of the world
Couldn't listen, but maybe it was metaphor
For the spirit you forced in the land that you love
That sounds familiar, I've heard it before
All of the world's playing musical chairs
For the place at the top of the table
Maybe we'll hold on, they're no way to know
But I'm hoping that we won't be able

Rise up, grow higher, watch our petals fall
Remember poppies bloom and die, no matted how tall
Rush for the prize as we stand aside, soon we'll be free from the pain
Remember it's lonely when you're up so high
So close to the wind and the rain

Remember the oils will be burning out soon
So enjoy all your pride while it lasts
Soon you will be so obselete
We'll put you back into the past

So dream, dream, dream
Dream, dream, dream
and force your way into the sun
But you better forget about dignity
We'll hate you for this when you're done