I don't care what you say I'm still better than you

You think your good enough to challenge me so you ask me anyway.

I accept, you seem confident.

I jay you yet you act like nothing happened.

Yet when you jay me it means the world to you.

I post you up and you still think your tougher than me.

But when you do the same thing to me your all of a sudden "all that".

I dribble and handle better than you showing my hand techniques and I can tell you dint know how to do it.

Yet when you do it you act like it's magic even though I just did it to you.

I pack you and you flare your nostrils.

But when you just tip one of my shots you rub it in my face that I got blocked.

I finally win and your response is that you weren't even trying.

I know you were trying, you wouldn't have made those shots if you weren't.

All of your friends agree with you.

Well, friend you've just stamped yourself from me and all the other basketball players here.

A poser.



You choose but in my book you still suck and so do your little friends that support you.

So get off the court and let real players play.

And why don't you just watch and learn.