

This is me…
The girl in a shadow of darkness,
Whose eyes are hidden
Even to you. You, oh glorious stranger;
A wraith passing through my life,
Capturing my gaze.
Like it’s effortless.
That casual swagger,
Exuding confidence you so
Gracefully pretend not to have.

“Hi,” that word so beautifully
Falling from your lips
As if the word alone could
Light up the darkest of days.
And I smile shyly,
Like some fool in her
Underwear. Over time,
You let the glory of all
You are overcome me,
And I am taken, lost to the
Rest of this mundane world.
For I have found a piece of magic
Yet I see you gaze at her,
The closest of my friends
My sister in all but blood
And I die, a million times.

“There’s no way he likes you”
They murmur in the dark
“You aren’t his type”
Goth. Hippie. Nerd. Freak.
Words thrown so casually
With so little regard for their
Meaning. But then it happens.

You call my name, and
For the first time since cursed
With it, my name sounds so
Musical, and wonderful.
You let me fall for you,
With false “I love you”s
And hollow “you’re beautiful”s.
Really, I should have known
For here I am, the girl in the
Shadows. Cold and alone, because
You speak nothing but lies.
Vicious, beautiful lies, that drip.
Drip from your vile, radiant
Forked tongue. You move through
My life, as a wraith, you don’t see me,
The girl in a shadow of darkness
Not really. You see what you want to
See. A girl without a name. A number.
Another day.
♠ ♠ ♠
Please comment, telling me YOUR interpretation of this poem, what it means to YOU, and what you think of it. :)