Death In Seasonal Motion

Autumn leaves they tumble down
Leaving friends and family behind
They lay to rest on winter ground
Bringing daisies peace of mind

Snowdrops peak through curtained snow
Laughter guides the way to golden gates
Basking in springs golden glow
Running on clouds weaved by fate

A cloudless sky over an arid grave
Summers heat flicks murky fire
Weeds set alight never to be saved
Fearing a widow’s hope and desire
♠ ♠ ♠
First verse talks about dying and leaving family behind but accepting their fate. The second talks about finding yourself in heaven, angels guiding you. The third is more pessimistic, talking about a person that knows they are destined for hell and fearing death, they know their funeral will be empty save the priest and the gravedigger.

I tried to get the different kinds of death across using simpler things like flowers and seasons, you can however interpret it differently. It's how you see the poem, not me.