Give Me an Adventure, Give Me a Dream.

Hiding behind a book filled with adventure,
Imagining what it would be like to have my own;
It’s just a fantasy, a forever kind of day dream,
One could never become real.

Is it bizarre I find myself longing
For everything I swore I’d never?
Forbidden love and disappointing sex,
Drunken nights and mindless flirting.

Stuck in this routine I created
Of life in the perfect lane –
A monster disguised as an angel,
Trying to hide every wretched thought.

Can’t escape these chains that bind me
To every part of my life I detest:
The monotony of appeasement,
The frustration of never enough.

Hiding behind these words that can’t explain
The aching I feel when I stare out the window,
Wishing I was somewhere exciting,
Instead of this lifeless place called home.