Stay Away

Go away I don't want you here
I slam the door in your face
What? I don't want her near
She's always giving me the chase

Go away, I don't want you
you lied to my face

Your like a freaky seer
Wearing dresses with frilly lace
You pretend to be nice, but then you go and grab a beer
Face it, you can't keep up with my pace

Why should I want you?
You left me bent and broken

You dropped me off at nowhere and away you raced
My heart was full of pain, my soul is seared.
That's something that cant be replaced, and you ask why i leer?
You only want me now, cause your friends made it clear

That I'm not junk i'm your kid
But you left me bent and broken, so stay away don't come near.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is what happened to my friend. It tore her apart, her mom didnt care about her at all :(