No Longer...

The world is too much to take in
I am not what I have been
I am no longer that shy little girl
Who thought good existed in the world

People are thoughtless and mean
Brutality in their eyes I have seen
I am surrounded and yet I am alone
Cold, fragile, and unknown

My friends are no longer mine
But they're being much too kind
I could have persisted
I wanted to and yet I resisted

I once said I had hollow tears behind a broken smile
But I haven't cried in a long while
I won't do it anymore
For any of those people who hurt me more

I no longer talk, speak, or act
Like fragmented glass, I guess I cracked
Nobody will ever want me
Cuz of the broken halves that nobody sees

The life around me goes on and on
And yet I'm standing her waiting for the next dawn
I wait and it feels like forever and ever
And my heart and I are forever dissevered

But like always you've heard this before
And you beat me and slap me until I'm sore
But this will stop now
Because no longer will I bow.