A Fairytale

I'm getting lost without his love
But gaining strength from letting go
His face is gone, has disappeared
I no longer see him as a human
He is just a fairytale

The past is where it should be
I look to my surroundings
I see eternal darkness
Its purpose tainted by a single light
That shows that he is just a fairytale

His love was well disguised
His game was greatly played
His lust was taken care of
I was just a body
And now he is just a fairytale

I strove to find my prince
I believed I could be equal
But soon I met a friend of mine
Who had disappeared last year,
He is just a fairytale and this I must accept

When life hands you lemons,
You make lemonade
When life handed me a heart
I sewed it to my own
And now he is just a fairytale.

I have learned my lesson
I am not a princess
I am not to be the ball
I am not to be swallowed by the darkness whole
I must find my way home

The stories and fantasies never show you the truth
They never show you the lesson that you must learn
When you jump into love, you find yourself in
a fairytale

How come they never show
How the story really ends?
♠ ♠ ♠
So this may or may not have been difficult to understand. Again, this is about me moving on from my ex-boyfriend. It's been like one and a half months and I'm finally seeing some hope in life. :) Woo!