
I happen to know what BEAUTY is
but I don't think you do

You think beauty is of faces
of how people act in class

You think of it as perfect hair
exotic eyes
of being false just to fit in

Of playing sports
of being the best
of being POPULAR

But I know that real, true beauty is...

The courage to give others a chance
and discovering they may not be PERFECT
but taking them along just the same

Beauty is the generosity of a helping hand
of stopping by at the side of the road
and picking up someone in need

Beauty is the natural pink cream of that person's cheeks
after they took a walk with you through the woods
not for the exercise
but because they wanted to be with YOU

Beauty is the glint and LOVE in their eyes
when you are happy together
and having the time of your lives

Beauty is the laugh that rolls off their tongue
and through their happy lips
as you complete the simplest task of the day hand in hand
laughing about the water hose going berserk as you wash the car

Beauty is the aura of their soul
as they realize they too
want to spend eternity with you